As of Nov. 30, 2024, our parish has raised $188,500 pledges from 41 families.
Of the $188,500 pledges made, $111,400.77 have been paid.
As of July 31, 2024, our parish has raised $186,500 pledges from 41 families.
Of the $186,500 pledges made, $95,247.45 have been paid.
As of February 29, 2024, our parish has raised $186,450 pledges from 41 families.
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Of the $186,450 pledges made, $88,293.30 have been paid.
As of January 31, 2024, our parish has raised $182,375 pledges from 41 families.
Of the $182,375 pledges made, $82,596.64 have been paid.
As of September 30, 2023, our parish has raised $182,075 pledges from 39 families.
Of the $182,075 pledges made, $65,062.48 have been paid.
As of June 30, 2023, our parish has raised $185,175 pledges from 39 families.
Of the $185,175 pledges made, $56,747 have been paid.
As of March 31, 2023, our parish has raised $165,475 from 31 families.
Of the $165,475 pledges made, $51,019 have been paid.
As of January 31, 2023, our parish has raised $129,950 from 19 families.
Of the $129,950 pledges made, $26,362.49 have been paid.
October 8, 2022
Dear Friends in Christ,
It has been over a year since I came to St. Timothy as your new Pastor. I have been blessed to serve all of you in this beautiful Church and community. Shortly after my arrival, I implemented some changes and made visible improvements in our parish. However, our growing parish and school community continue to face challenges that need to be addressed continually.
To address the present and future needs of the Church, we have launched the Called to Renew Campaign along with all the parishes in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. With our ongoing growth and the call to improve come the need to elevate and maintain our parish community. St. Timothy’s campaign goal is $405,000 of which 50% will go directly to fund our parish needs and improvements. Additionally, we will receive 100% of all funds raised over our goal. Called to Renew campaign will enable our parish at St. Timothy to continue with her ministry while ensuring our Church’s presence in the lives of our future generations.
After prayerful consideration and study and in consultation with our Pastoral and Finance Councils, we have identified the need to install a sustainable HVAC system in our parish hall to ensure a conducive comfortable atmosphere in our gathering for events, worship and services for our parish community. Proceeds from the Called to Renew campaign will enable us to realize such project and endeavor for the improvement in our parish. Your prayers, generosity and sacrificial gift will ensure our success.
Called to Renew is essential to ensuring our Church is vibrant and healthy, and our parish remains a presence in the lives of parishioners and the community for years to come. I hope you will join me in supporting this endeavor and we entrust this campaign to the intercession of our Blessed Mother and our patron St. Timothy.
Thank you in advance and may the Lord bless you for your generosity.