As reported in local and national news outlets today, even though the economy is reopening, in Los Angeles County the number of new coronavirus infections and deaths related to the illness continues to increase. A reminder that we are "not out of the woods" with regard to this virus. So please be very careful for the health of others as well as yourself. With that in mind and keeping to all the directives and guidelines required of "houses of worship" in order to open we are moving forward with our re-opening plans. Again, we repeat, "better safe than sorry," so if you are in vulnerable health, elderly, are otherwise ill or have underlying health issues please stay home and stay safe for yourself and for others. The precept to attend Sunday Mass has been and continues to be "dispensed," meaning you have a free pass so to speak. But if possible you should attend a virtual Mass and we provide one here each Sunday and hope to soon provide Masses online during the week. As you recall, we have been publishing in outline form in our weekly bulletin and on this webpage what to expect if you want to come to Mass, private prayer or Confession. These should be finalized and approved by the bishop and competent authorities by Friday, at the latest. Once these directives are approved we will email those to you and/or provide them here on our webpage so you will have instructions. God willing, and except for another mandated closure or unforeseen reason, we are planning on this coming Saturday, June 13, 2020, beginning again with Confessions from 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. outside in the hall portico and Corpus Christi Vigil Mass at 4:00 p.m. in the church. Remember if you do not register before you may not be able to participate unless there is enough space. We will send an email blast and publish here on our webpage when registration begins. We are NOT taking any registrations at this time. The same for phone reservations. Again, check your emails and this webpage for when registration begins. It has to start before Saturday! Thanks for our patience